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How Does It Taste?
The more spacious and larger our fundamental nature, the more bearable the pains in living. – Wayne Muller
I like the idea that living can be spacious and large.
I like the idea that we can live in expansive, abundant, and generous ways. I like the idea that life’s pain can be eased by returning to our basic selves – selves that know reaching, connecting, strengthening, expressing, and creating.
What is the why?
This is the why behind my love of the outdoors. This is the why behind my most creative impulses. This is the why behind the value of being with friends and family. This is the why behind my gratitude practice. This is the why behind my curiosity.
What I remind myself?
I remind myself to be gentle with myself and others. I remind myself to get outside and breathe. I remind myself to connect with my body. I remind myself to be with others. I remind myself to sing. I remind myself to write. I remind myself to pray.
What does space while we are in pain look like?
Space when we are in pain means seeking joy. Space when we are in pain means practicing forgiveness. Space when we are in pain means noticing beauty. Space when we are in pain means serving others. Space when we are in pain means rest.
Our fundamental nature can be nourished and strengthened.
Life is painful at times. Pain results from separation from our fundamental nature. We can move away from pain and toward peace by nourishing and strengthening our fundamental nature. We can heal wounds. We can live vulnerably. We can act courageously. We can taste the sweetness of life.
About Katie
From Louisville. Live in Atlanta. Curious by nature. Researcher by education. Writer by practice. Grateful heart by desire.
Buy the Book!
The Stage Is On Fire, a memoir about hope and change, reasons for voyaging, and dreams burning down can be purchased on Amazon.