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Even in the Dark
To be broken is no reason to see all things as broken. – Mark Nepo
We are not yet.
Light when darkness comes. Hope when we are desperate. Faith when we are afraid. Wholeness when we are broken. This makes me think of the idea that we are not yet. It is possible to see light in dark, hope in desperation, faith in fear, wholeness in being broken because we are always becoming: we are not yet.
If we are always growing and becoming, then a current negative condition is always temporary.
We are always a change of mind, a deep breath, a shift of attention, a change of direction, or a simple decision away from holding our pain, our joy, and everything in between close and letting it go. Deeper then just getting over, putting the pieces back together, pushing the rock up the hill, diving in head first, or even bandaging our wounds, I am talking about radical healing that happens when we hold experience.
Deep in the weeds of existential phenomenology there is a concept called bracketing.
In bracketing, we strip away judgment, unpack meanings, define value, and peel back layers of experience. This is helpful for deeply understanding all experiences, both the “good” and the “bad.” This is the holding close and letting go. This is the inhale and the exhale. This is the framing and reframing. Bracketing is the heart of making peace with the fact that we are not yet. Bracketing is about what we learn when we imagine, create, share, invent, and build.
The not yet that embraces change, growth and evolution, is in a state of constant bracketing.
Bracketing is the not yet’s way of sense making. Bracketing weaves a fabric of experience. We are never stuck. We are never powerless. Concepts like truth, certainty and self live in a beautiful dance. In that dance, we are never truly in the dark.
About Katie
From Louisville. Live in Atlanta. Curious by nature. Researcher by education. Writer by practice. Grateful heart by desire.
Buy the Book!
The Stage Is On Fire, a memoir about hope and change, reasons for voyaging, and dreams burning down can be purchased on Amazon.