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Feeling Our Way Through
Underneath, there is only one emotion. – Mark Nepo
My parent’s are selling my childhood home: the home my family has lived in for 40 years. The home where I had my first kiss and drank my first beer and fell in love with Van Halen and writing. When I think about where my family is in processing this time and decision, I think about a kaleidoscope of emotion, about milestones and memories and family, about the constancy of those doors and windows and walls and flowers, about what it has felt like to know no matter where I go, home has always been there. Home is a verb there.
We are now in a grief process. We are sorting through overwhelm and stuff. We are in logistical overdrive toward next steps. We are staving off overwhelm and shutdown. Romance and pragmatism are dancing around facts. The stairs are more like a dangerous ladder than a gentle walkway. The yard is a beautiful acre of responsibility. The house makes 40 year old demands. This is where we are.
Feeling through this moment is teaching me a few things. I am learning the depth of my love for the people who have touched my life; for their spirits fill that house. I am learning of the complexity of home; for both joy and sadness live there. I am learning about the power of experience and memory and story; for I breathe differently there. I am learning that love looks like forgiveness and acceptance and gratitude; for finding childhood gems is priceless. I am learning about life’s flow; for what serves us when we are young often shifts and changes. All of these are goods things to know. All of this I am learning in this process. As the list of “last times” continues, it will become clearer I am sure. What the house means. What home means. The ways in which I carry home on in my life. We are all just feeling our way through.
About Katie
From Louisville. Live in Atlanta. Curious by nature. Researcher by education. Writer by practice. Grateful heart by desire.
Buy the Book!
The Stage Is On Fire, a memoir about hope and change, reasons for voyaging, and dreams burning down can be purchased on Amazon.