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The Heart has many Doors
The Heart has many Doors -/ I can but knock -/ For any sweet “Come in”/ Impelled to hark -/ Not saddened by repulse,/ Repast to me/ That somewhere, there exists,/ Supremacy –
Emily Dickinson
Knock and the door will open. Seek and you will find. Ask and an answer will be found. Supremacy happens in the knocking, seeking, and asking. Supremacy is love. Love happens in the space between knocks, quests, and questions. Love is beginning and ending, starting and stopping, birth and death, and everything in between. Love happens in each one of our 800 tries. Love is a verb. Love is do.
The fact that there are many doors to the Heart comforts me. It makes knocking hopeful and exciting, and maybe even joyful. Lots of doors, options, opportunities, horizons, paces, stories, roads. Many doors makes me think of curiosity and discovery. Many doors makes me think of magic and miracles. Many doors makes me think of the not yet, the as if, of doing and becoming.
When I think of Heart as love, I get even more hopeful. I start to think about community, relationships, justice, and peace. We can all open doors. We can all knock, and knock, and knock, and knock until we hear the sweet “Come in.” I imagine the sweet “Come in” will sound like the protection of generations and our earth. I imagine the sweet “Come in” will taste like everyone having enough to eat. I imagine the sweet “Come in” will feel like safety for all. I imagine the sweet “Come in” will be love in action.
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About Katie
From Louisville. Live in Atlanta. Curious by nature. Researcher by education. Writer by practice. Grateful heart by desire.
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The Stage Is On Fire, a memoir about hope and change, reasons for voyaging, and dreams burning down can be purchased on Amazon.
Start where you are. “Love is a verb. Love is do”. We are all somewhere. Our’do’ is waiting for us to begin.