Katie Steedly’s first-person piece [The Unspeakable Gift] is a riveting retelling of her participation in a National Institutes of Health study that aided her quest to come to grips with her life of living with a rare genetic disorder. Her writing is superb.
In recognition of receiving the Dateline Award for the Washingtonian Magazine essay, The Unspeakable Gift.
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Advice From My Guardian Angel

Years ago, I took a writing class with Martha Beck, “Writing Into The Light.” In the course, we were asked to write a letter to ourself from the perspective of our guardian angel. I loved the assignment. I loved the idea that we have guardian angels. I loved the idea that we are powerful enough to conjure, proclaim, listen to, and love our guardian angel. I love the idea we could communicate directly with our guardian angels — invoking a Conversations with God, Letters from Love, relationship with Love, Source, and/or God.
I found myself searching for my letter last week. Here it is. May it be of comfort.
Dear Katie,
At this time when fear abounds. At this time when the cruelty of the world has been laid bare. At this time, tears have flowed in search of soft hearts that will not abide violence. At this time, lies have rolled from the lips of the most powerful. At this time when abuses of power has made you question decency, morality, and love itself.
I want you to be still and know.
Be still and know that love wins.
Always. Love wins. Always. Lies and terror and pain do not win. Injustice and hatred and evil do not win. Cynicism and greed and sadness do not win.
Be still and know that your light makes a difference.
You must not be silent. Your voice has never been more important. Your hands must do their vital work. Your heart must not grow numb. Your mind must maintain its imagination. Health, peace, and justice are born there. Your soul must not yield to chaos. At these times, your soul must be on slow and steady fire.
Be still and know the power of connection.
We are all connected. There is strength in reaching out. Remember, there are many ways to reach out. Remember serving. Remember teaching. Remember reaching out begins with reaching in. Therein lies the power of the most sacred and right and loving force.
Be still and know that you are seen and loved.
When you forget that you are seen and loved, it is easy to fall into an abyss of distance, indifference, and despair. It becomes easy to forget the importance of simply loving one another. Remember that you are loved. Remember your call to love others.
Be still and know the power of your truth.
You have learned your lessons well. Forgive others 7 times 70. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Love one another. Stay connected to the river when you have been swept away. Stay connected to light and dark knowing truth is day and night. Stay connected to strength knowing the journey is long. Stay connected to faith knowing hope is our greatest gift. Stay connected. Stay connected. Stay connected.
Let stillness overcome you when noise fills your mind.
Let stillness overcome you when anger rips your heart. Let stillness overcome you when confusion blurs the difference between stillness and paralysis. Stillness is not paralysis. Stillness is a mindful life. Stillness is fire. Stillness is gratitude. Stillness is peace.
Right now. In this moment. In this time when generations are at stake. Breathe. Look inward. Breathe. Be still and know. Breathe. Do whatever it takes to stay soft and fierce.
Love. 1,000 times. Love.
Your Guardian Angel
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About Katie

From Louisville. Live in Atlanta. Curious by nature. Researcher by education. Writer by practice. Grateful heart by desire.
Buy the Book!
The Stage Is On Fire, a memoir about hope and change, reasons for voyaging, and dreams burning down can be purchased on Amazon.