Katie Steedly’s first-person piece [The Unspeakable Gift] is a riveting retelling of her participation in a National Institutes of Health study that aided her quest to come to grips with her life of living with a rare genetic disorder. Her writing is superb.
In recognition of receiving the Dateline Award for the Washingtonian Magazine essay, The Unspeakable Gift.
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At the Spring Dawn

Ah! It is good to be alive, good to love,
At the dawn,
At the spring dawn.
From Angelina Weld Grimke’s, “At the Spring Dawn“
How good it is to be alive. How good it is to be alive. How good it is to be alive.
How good it is to love. How good it is to love. How good it is to love. How good it is love.
How good is the spring dawn. How good is the spring dawn. How good is the spring dawn.
Gratitude for it all.
Deep down thankfulness for joy and sorrow, for beautiful scars, for seasons and tides, for sun and moon, for story and connection, for curiosity and beginner’s mind, for empty bowls and promises, for wisdom and knowing, for birth and death, for seeing and listening and tasting and feeling, for standing still and moving, for breathing, for dawn.
About Katie

From Louisville. Live in Atlanta. Curious by nature. Researcher by education. Writer by practice. Grateful heart by desire.
Buy the Book!
The Stage Is On Fire, a memoir about hope and change, reasons for voyaging, and dreams burning down can be purchased on Amazon.