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Category: Doing Philosophy
The Risk to Be Touched
Touch bleeds the heart of its pressure. - Mark Nepo Touch is risky. Touch is powerful. Touch is not neutral. It can heal and it can hurt. It can comfort and it can cause pain. It can connect and it can isolate. Touch is complex. I want to be a hugger...
read moreWeekly Wide-Awake: Looking Back to Look Forward
To see takes time. Georgia O'Keefe I have been blogging since 2007. For most of that time, my posts have appeared daily. The main purpose of my blog has been to practice the wide-awakeness that I have studied for more than 20 years. For me, practi...
read moreAllowing The Pain In
I am becoming water: I let everything rinse its grief in me And reflect as much light as I can. - Mark Nepo The Buddhist call to breathe in the suffering of the world and breathe out light seems important right now. These are d...
read moreThe Monkey and the River
It is said a great Zen teacher asked an initiate to sit by a stream until he heard all the water had to teach. After days of bending his mind around the scene, a small monkey happened by, and, in one seeming bound of joy, splashed about in the stream...
read moreAbout Katie
From Louisville. Live in Atlanta. Curious by nature. Researcher by education. Writer by practice. Grateful heart by desire.
Buy the Book!
The Stage Is On Fire, a memoir about hope and change, reasons for voyaging, and dreams burning down can be purchased on Amazon.