Katie Steedly’s first-person piece [The Unspeakable Gift] is a riveting retelling of her participation in a National Institutes of Health study that aided her quest to come to grips with her life of living with a rare genetic disorder. Her writing is superb.
In recognition of receiving the Dateline Award for the Washingtonian Magazine essay, The Unspeakable Gift.
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Taking A Walk #3: Solar Wind, Whirling Wheels, 33 Oaks

I celebrate art and science on my Beltline walk this week. My walks allow me to get outdoors and breathe in strength and peace. I head out to see the magnificence of spring. Steel and innovation and sunshine. Trees and wind and bicycles. Nature and life and beauty. The art I am looking at this week showcases the way in which art initiates a discussion of use, sustainability, and conservation. In artist’s hands, the tools of art raise awareness, encourage investigation, inspire creativity, and advocate for safety and health. Beltline art invites everyone to consider the art in science. Right in front of us, we explore how we build, sustain, and conserve our world. Right in front of us, we imagine something different than consumption, traffic, and waste. Right in front of us, we heal our bodies and our earth.
Solar Wind
Solar Wind speaks to possibility. The possibility that art can be aspirational. The possibility that art can be fun. The possibility that elements of the past can inform the future. The possibility that art can speak to our current global climate situation. Perhaps art, in that way, allows us to enter big conversations through the doors of creativity and playfulness and context. Perhaps art and science become one in that space. That is the space where ideas build and move and grow, rather than become mired in the grime and sludge and muck of limited understanding and fear and despair. Art can do that.
Whirling Wheels
Whirling Wheels, Alex Rodriguez
Whirling Wheels reminds us, “Share the road.” That is important in many ways. It is important because sharing, generosity, and kindness are always important. It is important because we all travel the same road together — at different paces, starting from different points and heading to different destinations — and the road is only so wide. It is important because sharing the road reminds of us of the connected, collective, interdependent world in which we live. Sharing the road is about all that.
33 Oaks
Thirty three species of oak are native to Georgia. 33 Oaks is sculpture honoring those species. Thirty three stain-less steel celebrations of unique strength. Thirty three reasons to stop on a run to pay attention and be amazed. Thirty three unique leaves resting in the grass and catching sunlight. Thirty three hillside testaments, constant in their beauty and depth. Thirty three moments to consider leaves, trunks, and roots. Thirty three angles from which to see trees. Thirty three invitations to think about art and our earth.
Read Taking A Walk #1 here
Read Taking A Walk #2 here
A Note on my Atlanta Beltline Writing Project [This paragraph appeared at the bottom of every post in the original project.]
I am practicing paying attention. I am practicing noticing beauty. I am practicing getting in touch with my artist self. I am practicing connecting with the outdoors. I am practicing my inner Mary Oliver. I live in Atlanta, “the city in a forest.” I live on the Atlanta Beltline, an interurban trail that graces the city. The Beltline is part arboretum, part art gallery, part park. It connects shops and restaurants and homes with people of all descriptions. I walk on the Beltline 4 or 5 times a week. I have spent the last year appreciating all that it is. I have personally photographed the images I will share. I hope to write about it — its art, trees, landmarks, etc.— for the next few weeks as spring unfolds.
Thanks for taking a Beltline walk with me. Subscribe to the Wide-Awakeness Project to take more walks, look at art, smell magnolia, and move in community with others and our world. Subscribed
About Katie

From Louisville. Live in Atlanta. Curious by nature. Researcher by education. Writer by practice. Grateful heart by desire.
Buy the Book!
The Stage Is On Fire, a memoir about hope and change, reasons for voyaging, and dreams burning down can be purchased on Amazon.