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Seeing the Generative Story of Our Time
We are fluent in the story of our time marked by catastrophe and dysfunction. That is real — but it’s not the whole story of us. There is also an ordinary and abundant unfolding of dignity and care and generosity, of social creativity and evolution and breakthrough. How to make that more vibrant, more visible, and more defining?
Krista Tippett
Seeing the Generative Story of Our Time
That is why I write. Writing is my way to tell a truth that connects, celebrates, and lifts up. Writing is my way to channel hope. Writing is my way tap into the narrative ways of knowledge I learned about so long ago. Writing is my way to create the world I want for our todays and tomorrows and tomorrows. Writing is my way to let light shine through the cracks. If imagination makes empathy possible, writing is my way to use my imagination toward creating a more empathic world. Maybe there is a piece of me that writes to take the reins of our collective story, just a bit, and ride the wind of words away from catastrophe and dysfunction, toward wholeness, grace, and love. Building on the principle that if I see goodness in the world, and tell that story, so it will be. That seems to be the challenge that faces us all. Riding the wind in deliberate speed, in gratitude for light and breath, paying attention in awe and wonder, telling our stories in ways that create.
About Katie
From Louisville. Live in Atlanta. Curious by nature. Researcher by education. Writer by practice. Grateful heart by desire.
Buy the Book!
The Stage Is On Fire, a memoir about hope and change, reasons for voyaging, and dreams burning down can be purchased on Amazon.