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The Life of Experience
Even if one glimpses God, there are still cuts and splinters and burns along the way. – Mark Nepo
In what ways Are life’s cuts and splinters and burns a path to Life’s sweetness?
Cuts and splinters and burns are a path to life’s sweetness in that they present us with a clear choice. If we find peace in the midst of challenge and trail, then we can find peace in the best of times, too. Cuts and splinters and burns allow us to choose love (no matter what). Cuts and splinters and burns forge our metal. Cuts and splinters and burns lead to growth and wisdom. Cuts and splinters and burns teach us how universal experiences of failure, disappointment, and falling short are.
Is there value in unanswered prayers?
Cuts and splinters and burns can be seen as unanswered prayers. I have been fascinated by the idea of unanswered prayers for a long time. I am not sure unanswered prayers exist. If prayers are simply a conversation with God or Spirit or the Spark of the Devine that lives in each of us (and I believe they are), then expectations and judgements, right and wrong, granted or denied is not really the point. The value of unanswered prayers can be found in the conversation itself, in the connection with something bigger than ourselves, in the reminder to be still and know. The glimpse of God found in the conversation is more than enough.
How do we excavate pain to find peace and love after heart break?
Heartbreak is a very specific kind of cut, splinter, or burn. It is perhaps the most painful. The process of excavating pain can include grief, forgiveness, sadness, doubt, anger, and fear. The process of excavating pain leaves us lighter, kinder, wiser, and more loving.
About Katie
From Louisville. Live in Atlanta. Curious by nature. Researcher by education. Writer by practice. Grateful heart by desire.
Buy the Book!
The Stage Is On Fire, a memoir about hope and change, reasons for voyaging, and dreams burning down can be purchased on Amazon.