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The Way is Hard, but Clear
Though it is the hardest going, the way is clear. – Mark Nepo
The Value In Swimming Up Stream
Finding Your Edge
I was first introduced to the idea of my edge in yoga. One of my first yoga teachers would guide us in a pose and instruct us to find our edge: that point at which we are fully engaged and balanced, just beyond comfort but in our full strength. I have searched for my edge on and off my yoga mat. Swimming up stream is about finding and embracing an edge.
Soft Strength
Swimming up stream requires soft strength. By soft strength, I am talking about flexibility and clarity and wisdom. Soft strength is not forceful and demanding and forceful. Soft strength seeks to understand rather than be understood. Soft strength knows why the salmon swims up stream rather the easiest path possible.
Beautiful Detours
Swimming upstream opens us to beautiful detours. Beautiful detours are about unanswered prayers, happy accidents, and heartfelt surprises. They are the reason why knowing a path and having a plan are useful to the extent that their establishment does not prevent growth and learning and discovery. The challenge of beautiful detours is one of presence during the journey: when we can touch, taste, see, and feel true wonder and joy.
Muscle Memory
When we swim upstream we build muscle memory. Muscle memory is the strength that comes from knowing you have accomplished a feat before. Muscle memory is about endurance and strength. Muscle memory looks like confidence wrapped in steel. We draw from muscle memory during times when the current of the stream is particularly rough and unpredictable.
Just Keep Swimming
When we swim upstream and get tested, it is important to just keep swimming. This is about strength and perseverance. This is about swimming with others. This is about seeking advice. This is about forward motion and momentum. When we swim up stream, it often is about our ability to just keep swimming.
About Katie
From Louisville. Live in Atlanta. Curious by nature. Researcher by education. Writer by practice. Grateful heart by desire.
Buy the Book!
The Stage Is On Fire, a memoir about hope and change, reasons for voyaging, and dreams burning down can be purchased on Amazon.