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The Wisdom in Blinking
Asleep too long, we need to wake. Awake too long, we need to sleep.
Mark Nepo
What We Learn by Blinking
The Power of Rest
We all need rest. Rest – even for a second, the time it takes to shut our eyes and breathe – can be life sustaining. We rest when we blink. Blinking is permission to regroup and refocus. It is a reminder that constant vigilance and reaction take a toll. It is the period at the end of a sentence. It is the lens in a camera that brings things into focus.
Zing and Blink
There is a certain zing to blinking. A fresh start. A reset. A reboot. A change. The zing of blinking happens in an instant. It is a waking up. It is a parting of the clouds. It is a rolling of the tide. It is a changing of the seasons. It is the blinking of an eye.
Walking Away
Some times we need to walk away. Blinking offers us a choice. It is a take-the-high-road impulse. It is a split second when we think, “Is this worth it?” It is the bird on a shoulder that whispers in your ear, “Seek first to understand rather than be understood.” It is not ego. It is part humility, part judgment, part introspection, part vulnerability, and part grace.
Balance and Flow
Blinking lets us move. We move between the day-to-day and magic, distraction and wonder, sadness and joy, asleep and awake, and stillness and action. It finds space in the middle. It is like a dance in which our thoughts and dreams and aspirations take form and shape and depth in full rhythm and intensity and force.
After Blinking
After blinking, we are changed. The air clears. Pace overcomes urgency. Thoughts are informed. Eyes are lifted. Ears are listening. Hands are open. Hearts are engaged. We walk toward, not away. We are more about building than tearing down. That is the wisdom of blinking.
About Katie
From Louisville. Live in Atlanta. Curious by nature. Researcher by education. Writer by practice. Grateful heart by desire.
Buy the Book!
The Stage Is On Fire, a memoir about hope and change, reasons for voyaging, and dreams burning down can be purchased on Amazon.