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/tro͞oTH/ noun the quality or state of being true
- that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality
- a fact or belief that is accepted as true
Truth was my Word of the Year a few years ago. Truth is important. In this environment where the very existence of truth is being challenged, I want to stand up for truth. Science exists. Facts exist. Evidence exists. Truth exists. Telling the truth is always the best path. Truth is necessary for the foundation of relationships to stay intact. With truth, sound decisions are made. Without truth, people can be manipulated and controlled. Without truth, right is no different from wrong.
We can think about truth in three ways: personal truth, political truth, and global truth.
Personal truth is the still, small voice.
It is intuition, gut, and sixth sense. Personal truth means keeping your word to yourself and others, even/especially when it is difficult. Personal truth means caring for your body. Personal truth means curiosity and learning and beginner’s mind. Personal truth living in integrity.
Political truth means holding leaders to a high standard of conduct.
Policy must be developed on facts. Decisions must be based on information. Accountability must occur when the truth is slanted, denied, disregarded, or lost. Political truth cannot exist in corruption, lies, and chaos. Political truth can be simply understood. Within a framework of political truth, our leaders feel responsible for representing constituents honestly, fiercely, and in a spirit of goodwill. Protecting our laws, norms, and institutions guides our leaders’ actions. The public good is not viewed as separate from the private good; rather, the public good is the foundation of the private good. The public good loses when the lines of political truth get blurred. Political truth also encompasses our individual responsibility to lead in our daily lives.
Global truth means understanding our individual actions impact our world.
Calling, purpose, existential projects, and passion are all a part of living a global truth. Global truth understands we are all connected. We live and die together. Global truth means service to others. Global truth means generosity and gratitude, not because they are nice, but because they are the embodiment of our interconnection.
About Katie
From Louisville. Live in Atlanta. Curious by nature. Researcher by education. Writer by practice. Grateful heart by desire.
Buy the Book!
The Stage Is On Fire, a memoir about hope and change, reasons for voyaging, and dreams burning down can be purchased on Amazon.