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Exultation is the going
Exultation is the going/ Of an inland soul to sea,/ Past the houses – past the headlands -/ Into deep Eternity -// Bred as we, among the mountains,/ Can the sailor understand/ The divine intoxication/ Of the first league out from land.
Emily Dickinson
I am ready to experience exultation. It has been too long. Exultation is traveling to a new exotic place with tastes and smells I have never known. Exultation is an amazing meal that I could not dream of preparing myself. Exultation is crossing a finish line in a race for which I trained. Exultation is seeing loved ones succeed. Exultation is completing a task that rested just outside my reach. Exultation is dancing with friends enveloped in warm. Exultation is leaving the familiar. Exultation is the triumphant sister of joy. I love them both.
My inland soul yearns to go to sea and feel divine intoxication.
Moving to new places is exultation. It is about leaving the familiar. It is about new sights, tastes, touches, and sounds. It is about edge and risk. It is about stakes and change. It is about faith and trust. It is about a definition of home that is more about relationships than geography. I have moved many times in my adult life, and there is always a moment when embracing the unknown is a vital part of my journey.
About Katie
From Louisville. Live in Atlanta. Curious by nature. Researcher by education. Writer by practice. Grateful heart by desire.
Buy the Book!
The Stage Is On Fire, a memoir about hope and change, reasons for voyaging, and dreams burning down can be purchased on Amazon.