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Weekly Wide-Awake: The Angels and the Furies
The angels, the furies/ Are never far away/ While we dance, we dance,/ Trying to keep a balance/ To be perfectly human/ (Not perfect, never perfect,/ Never an end to growth and peril),/ Able to bless and forgive/ Ourselves./ This is what is asked of us.
May Sarton
May Sarton’s poem, The Angels and the Furies came to my attention this week. I think about the real life angels that live around me. I think about the furies that too often steal my peace. This happens to me everyday. I miss seeing the good when I am consumed by the bad. I miss dancing with the angels. The angel and fury dance is exhausting, so I try to change the steps.
I wrote about the value of mindfulness in the search for happiness and how the principles of Tipping Points might apply to wide-awakeness this week. I also considered widening my circle of compassion at this time when my heart can feel so hard and my expectations can negatively frame my experiences. I was reminded that the angel and fury dance is most fluid and beautiful when I am working toward my something, too.
About Katie
From Louisville. Live in Atlanta. Curious by nature. Researcher by education. Writer by practice. Grateful heart by desire.
Buy the Book!
The Stage Is On Fire, a memoir about hope and change, reasons for voyaging, and dreams burning down can be purchased on Amazon.