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Weekly Wide-Awake: Wide New World
No matter where you are, no matter how small or pathetic you may feel, freeing your wayfinder’s Imagination by embarking on an adventure turns you into some kind of crazy-strong electromagnet. Take out all the stops, drop into Wordless Oneness, laugh and play and love and dream beyond all reason, and miraculous things begin happening. Doors open. Paths appear. Team members you’ve never met find their way through time, space, and every other barrier to help you. You simply wait, Imagining, as the islands rise out of the sea to greet you. It’s not necessary that you believe this. Imagining it is enough.
Martha Beck
What if imagination is enough? Enough to make it through separation from one another. Enough to find words to tell our stories. Enough to make it to the as if and not yet. Enough to turn our gaze toward beauty. Enough to move our feet toward joy. Enough to open our minds with light and fire. Enough to unlock the future with the power of now.
What if our main task is to play in the magic? Living the questions. Trusting the connection between process and product. Holding dreams just so. Believing our still small voice. Growing every single day.
I have started a few new practices this year in an effort to play in the magic. Inspired by The Artist’s Way, I am writing Morning Pages. I have a training plan that has me completing 1000 miles (including one half marathon and one full marathon) in 2022. I will practice yoga four times a week. I know that if I show up in each of those ways, path will emerge. The wild new world will open its arms to me.
About Katie
From Louisville. Live in Atlanta. Curious by nature. Researcher by education. Writer by practice. Grateful heart by desire.
Buy the Book!
The Stage Is On Fire, a memoir about hope and change, reasons for voyaging, and dreams burning down can be purchased on Amazon.