Katie Steedly’s first-person piece [The Unspeakable Gift] is a riveting retelling of her participation in a National Institutes of Health study that aided her quest to come to grips with her life of living with a rare genetic disorder. Her writing is superb.
In recognition of receiving the Dateline Award for the Washingtonian Magazine essay, The Unspeakable Gift.
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Whole Life Challenge Week 7 Reflection

Week 7 has been the most difficult week of the Challenge for me. By far. I have not exercised for days. I have barely done this week’s Lifestyle habit. I did not plan and grocery shop this week. I have been focused on work and lost sight of the Challenge. I have barely remembered to enter my daily scores. After 7 weeks, I am tired. I want week 8 to be the picture of Challenge success. I want to end this 8 week Challenge on a high note.
What have I learned during Week 7 of the Challenge?
Being sick is a challenge to the Challenge
A few members of my family visited last week. When they left I got sick. It was as if the adrenaline that propelled me to prepare and keep going during their visit turned on me and fueled a storm that seized my lungs and made my body into a tornado of coughs, aches, and pains. I soldiered through last week to the point I literally stretched and ran myself into the ground. It has not been an easy week to successfully participate in the Challenge. I have even found it hard to complete nightly reflection, and I am a person who loves to reflect as much as I love to eat a bowl of pasta. I have struggled because I feel bad. I have a bad attitude because I feel bad. Today, I have turned a health corner. I am getting to back on the exercise track this weekend. I head into Week 8 with a mending body and mind.
Results come slowly
I have not seen the kind of results that I thought I would see coming in to the Challenge. The Habits have not become the rhythm of my life. Perhaps I have been too willing to lose points? Perhaps I have taken too much of the long view that wants long term behavior change versus quick results? Perhaps I have just not taken the Challenge seriously enough? All that being said, I am hopeful about my overall Challenge results for several reasons. I have not given up during the ebbs and flows of the last 7 weeks. I have seen some results in terms of making better choices and integrating Habits into my day-to-day life. I am heading into Week 8 committed to participating in the next Challenge that starts in January.
From 8 to 6 weeks
The Whole Life Challenge announced this week it would be changing their scheduling strategy. Staring in 2018, each challenge will be 6 weeks in length (rather than 8 weeks in length) and there will be 6 weeks off between each Challenge. The rationale for the change is that it is mirroring a longterm, in season/off season schedule that is designed to capitalize on both momentum and rest. I am excited about this change. The new structure will address the fatigue I am currently experiencing. This new structure will build on what I have learned the last 7 weeks. Habit forming takes time. The new structure has my long term goals in mind.
Anger. Frustration. Doubt. Oh my!
I have been surprised by how negative I have been this week. I have been sick and I am the worst sick person ever, but I pay attention when my generally positive outlook becomes negative. I have felt stepped on and smashed. I have felt worried. I have used words like never and always. I have not participated in the WLC community. I have not been able to exercise without pain and that has made everything worse. Today, I feel better. Today, I can see jumping back in to exercise, now that the pain in my chest has gone away. Today, I know Week 8 will be a better than Week 7.
About Katie

From Louisville. Live in Atlanta. Curious by nature. Researcher by education. Writer by practice. Grateful heart by desire.
Buy the Book!
The Stage Is On Fire, a memoir about hope and change, reasons for voyaging, and dreams burning down can be purchased on Amazon.